Find out how to to get Powered Now restarted
Please note this is a guide for the Powered Now app, not the Powered Now online version.
No matter how smart our smartphones and tablets are, they can sometimes get confused and apps stop responding or loading. Here is our quick guide to troubleshooting whats going on and getting you up and running again.
Step 1. Check you are on the most recent version of your devices OS ( Operating Software)
Device manufacturers make changes to your phone or tablet all the time and it's very important to stay up to date with them. Sometimes pending app updates can cause problems with devices that are not on the latest OS version. To check if you need to update, navigate into your device's settings (iPhone/iPad then go to general, Android devices vary). Don't put it off, update!
PS: If you don't have enough room on your device to update here are some handy tips (opens in a new window).
Step 2. Close down your running apps
Double-tap the home button (iPhone/iPad), swipe up from the bottom of the screen (iPhone X and later) or launch the recent applications menu (Android). If you have a lot of things open maybe its time to clean up. To close apps simply swipe them away.
Step 3. Restart your device!
As silly as it sounds a restart will cure 99% of all app-related issues. Our devices can slowly eat memory, especially if you've had a lot of apps running in step one.
If Powered Now still isn't working move onto step 4
Step 4. Delete and reinstall Powered Now
Don't worry, you won't lose any data as everything is backed up. However deleting and reinstalling will force you onto the latest version of Powered Now, it will also download all of your data when you log back in.
If Powered Now still isn't working move onto step 5
Step 5. Rinse and repeat
If you've gone through these steps but not in this order give it another go, updating apps and OS versions can cause issues to all devices. However if Powered Now still isn't working get in touch by raising a support ticket and we can make sure there is nothing wrong on our side.