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  2. Getting Started Guide

Lesson One - Finding Your Way Around

Welcome to Powered Now! In these articles, I am going to be showing you around some of the features, tips and tricks for getting the best out of Powered Now and getting your business running better, quoting faster and winning more work.

Powered Now, dashboard

  1. Home Button
  2. Diary Overview - Takes you to the main diary page where you can view and create appointments by day, week, month, or employee
  3. Projects - All invoices and quotes are assigned to a project which functions as a folder for all the work done for that particular job.
  4. Sales (Quotes/Invoices)
  5. Costs (Expenses/Supplier Invoices)
  6. Contacts (Customers/Suppliers)
  7. Notes
  8. Reports & Finances - Allows you to access and generate reports for all your financial data such as CIS reports and end of year report
  9. Forms & Certificates
  10. Quick Action Buttons
  11. Sync Icon - This icon is used to sync data to the Powered Now servers
  12. Support Articles
  13. Team Tracking (Pro feature) 
  14. Team Chat (Pro feature) 
  15. Settings
  16. Edit Profile
  17. Daily Agenda