Clearing Your Database on Web

If you have run into a problem, or Powered Now is not working, this will help

The online version of Powered Now at can sometimes get stuck at the loading screen or log in. This is probably because something has changed on your machine or browser, but don't worry it is easy to get things up and running again.

Powered Now uses a small database on your machine. This means that everything is stored locally and means Powered Now even works offline in your internet browser, it's also fast! However, to get everything up and running again we need to delete that database and re-download it.

Please note, you shouldn't use this if you have unsynchronised changes as you will lose them. You can tell if this applies to you by looking at the Sync Icon (spinning arrow in the top right of the Home Page) and checking if there are numbers displayed next to it. If there are, please do not proceed. Most likely this is not the case, but if you are in any doubt please contact support.

To reset your browser's database:

  1. Close all tabs and windows with Powered Now running
  2. Click the following link or open a new tab and enter it into the address bar.
  3. If successful you will get a pop up asking you to reopen Powered Now.
  4. Log back into and it should now work.

You may have to try this a couple of times, but it usually works on your first attempt.

NB. There may be instances where a clearing of your browser cache may be required.