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Chrome Storage Settings

Ensure your Chrome Browser is using the optimal settings to get the most out of Powered Now

With This Specific Chrome Setting adjustment you could be restricting the Storage Quota of your Powered Now account by up to 80%

To Ensure The correct setting is applied please follow the steps below

Fastest Method: Copy and paste this text into your browser, if this doesn't work follow the steps below: chrome://settings/content/siteData

  1. Locate your Chrome Settings 
  2. Search for "on-device site data"
  3. click Site Settings 
  4. Click the Dropdown option for "Additional Content Settings" 
  5. Click "On-Device Site Data" 
  6. Add "web.powerednow.com" to the "Allowed to save data on your device" list or change your default settings for all sites to "Allow sites to save data on your device"

Screenshots of Steps: